Raising My Blinds

Each morning when I wake up and get out of the bed, the first thing I do is raise my blinds. I take my right hand and grab the tassel, my elbow in an extended position and shoulder flexed. As I pull the tassel down, my elbow becomes flexed and shoulder is in a neutral position. The motions of extension and flexion at the elbow, in the frontal plane about a sagittal axis. The osteokinematics of the elbow are extension to flexion in an open kinetic chain. In terms of arthrokinematics, the moving radius is the concave segment which rolls and slides anteriorly on the convex of humerus capitulum. The prime mover for elbow flexion is the biceps muscle, which performs a concentric contraction.

Smiling young woman with curly hair looking out of window at home ...


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